Saturday 18 April 2009


Hi friends, thanks for all your prayers. as you know i have been in hospital from last Saturday evening. The doctor came round yesterday and told me that i do have MS. They have let me out today to come home for a few hours, but have to go back after tea time. I hope to get out on Monday after i see the neurologist . Then i should know how they are going to treat this and what it is going to mean in change in the way i live. Please would you continue to pray for me at this hard time.


  1. Dear Ruth,

    I just was reading Melissa's blog and she mentioned you were in the hospital! I am so sorry, I haven't popped on your blog for awhile....

    So MS...I am hopeful they will find a good course of meds for you and that you will be able to have your mobility back soon.

    I think your idea of a bible course is a great one! What a very good way to spend your time!

  2. Ruth,

    Keeping you in our prayers and sending hugs your way!!!

  3. praying for you and hope to see you soon

  4. Hi Ruth, i'm guessing you're still in the hospital since i haven't heard anything from you.
    We're thinking of you and praying for you.
    I'll call you today.
    Bye for now.
