Friday 3 June 2011


Question 1. In less than 1000 words write on the introduction to Elijah.

Once anyone has studied Elijah the Tishbite they cannot but help see that he was a mysterious and mighty man. We know nothing of him before he arrived in Jerusalem and this has earned Elijah the title ‘the Melchizedek of his age’. No matter where he went or who he was with he was a force to be reckoned with, but more importantly a godly man.

Elijah lived in a time of apostasy, not unlike where we are today, with people rebelling against and despising God. From the time of Jeroboam when they started to worship idols to the time of Ahab when things became even worse and it was then that we started to hear about Elijah. God had placed him there to minister during a period of persecution and knew that he was able. Elijah knew how wicked Jezebel was and he was determined that she would not stop him in any way.

Although many had refused to worship Baal, Elijah had few to stand with him. He must be an example to each of us today and encourage us to stand faithful for the Saviour whom we love and are called to serve.

God had set aside this time for Elijah to be his witness, and as always God is never wrong. It was as if God was making a statement to the wicked that he had not gone away, and never would. As they were so wicked God could have destroyed them but he was prepared to show them that He was a God of mercy and had placed Elijah amongst them. Elijah lived for God and was going to let nothing stand in the way of the Lords work, and we need to make him our example by holding the banner of God high.

He was a bold and a strong man who was prepared to stand in front of King Ahab and tell him that there was going to be a drought in the land and it would not change until he said so. Not only was Elijah able to speak about God but he knew Him personally and had a close relationship with Him. As well as this he based that he did on the word of God, because he stood before God, waited on Him and took his directions from Him.

To know thy will is all my prayer

Still knocking at the door I stand

Thy pleasure then O Lord declare

I only wait for thy command.

When we look at Elijah we can see Moses who also stood up against the people in a time when all they were interested in was evil and idol worship. Elijah was able to stand in front of a wicked king and tell him that God’s judgement was coming upon the land and that it was a sign that God was angry with the way they were living their lives. No matter what Elijah did he prayed about it and was always faithful to the message God gave him, as in going to the brook Cherith. God was taking him there as a time of preparation for what lay ahead.

Although the rest of the country faced drought, famine and death, Elijah was going to be fed and watered by God through the ravens, The king was struggling to find food and here was Elijah having his to delivered to him. On wonders what the King thought about this. Elijah was the complete opposite of most of the country in that he trusted totally in God and didn’t query what he was asked and responded immediately.

In all that we hear about Elijah he shows us how we should be living our lives for God – total unquestioning submission and trust. God had not finished with Elijah at Cherith, even when the brook dried up for he knew how Elijah may have felt. Each one of us faces trials and they are there to enable us to rely totally on God. It was no different for Elijah than it is for us because God has promised never to leave us nor forsake up and we will always have His spirit as our comforter.

The next place God took him was to Zarephath which was a Gentile city between Tyre and Sidon. It was here that he met the widow and her only son who were about to have their final meal and die. Elijah was asking her for something to eat in a time of severe famine and she must have thought him to be mad in some way. Nevertheless she was willing to do it and found that her barrel was full. This did not just happen the once for every time she needed to cook the provisions where there. God had supplied all their needs in a way in which they never could have imagined. The widow woman had been appointed by God to help Elijah but she would not have been aware of this. It showed Gods power, His mercy, His faithfulness and also the glory which was due to him. Many years later Jesus spoke of this woman and held her up as an example of faith.

Elijah may have thought that he knew what he was going to do, but God constantly took him by surprise. If we were to try to sum up Elijah here we could do it in just a few words – he was a man who trusted God totally, spent time in prayer with Him and obeyed whatever God asked of him without question. We really do need to think about what we do in difficult circumstances and make Elijah our example and never forget that in Psalm 31:15 we are told that our times are in God’s hands and he will take care of us.


Question 2. Write a summary (500 words) of Obadiah’s life and labours.

God had Elijah’s life planned from the beginning of time and knew what each step would be and how He was going to involve Obadiah. We don’t know what he looked like or where he came from but we do know that he loved God or as it was put he feared God greatly or in other words God was his everything. We are told in Proverbs 9:10 that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” and we still need to remember this. Although sin abounded all around him he stood for the Lord and so should we in this wicked time in which we live. Even Ahab realised he was a man of God and was happy to have him remain in his palace, and although Ahab scoffed at Obadiah he knew he was a man of honour. Humility was also one of his traits, in that he was prepared to always be the servant, as we see when he bows down before Elijah. No matter who he is with he always puts them first.

Obadiah was also a courageous man. He did not carry out Jezebels wishes because he looked after the prophets by hiding them in a cave and feeding them whilst they were there. We can also think here about the courage of Daniel and also the Apostles many years later.

Even though Elijah was a hated man at this time Obadiah was willing to be seen with him and be connected with him. When Elijah asked him to go before Ahab and announce that he was there he had some serious thoughts about it. He had already stuck his neck out over the prophets and was maybe thinking that surely there was someone else who could do it. It wouldn’t have been an easy thing for him to do but he went and announced before the king that Elijah was there.

Elijah would have been glad to have Obadiah as one of his friends and also a protector, but there would have been many others as well such as the prophets. He would also have been an encourager for he did not know what the future held but he had God with him and nothing was going to stop him going forward.

Even today we should be taking an example from Obadiah as did many men in the Bible even long after the Lord had called him Home. He was a champion for God who always went were God wanted him and did what he was asked to do. We need to think long and hard about what we are doing for God and what example we will leave behind. Obadiah was a risk-taker and Jesus is still looking for risk-takers. Are we prepared to be one of them?

Question 3. In less than 1500 words (total words) write on Elijah as a man of prayer and a man under persecution.

Elijah was totally trusting on God and was constantly in the place of prayer as we should be. When Elijah was on Mount Carmel it was just after he had slain the prophets of Baal and he had gone there to talk to God. His reason for being there was because the country was in drought and he had done what God had asked of him and was now praying for the rains to come and the land to flourish. This was because of God and not what any man could have told him and we need to heed the words of Hebrews 4:16 and be constantly before the throne of grace in order to obtain mercy.

God knew exactly where and when Elijah was going to pray this prayer. The evil prophets had been dealt with and people had discovered their hypocrisy, their lies and deceitfulness, their false religion but most of all that God was the only one and true God. God had closed the Heavens so it was only God who could open them again on the prayer of Elijah. Elijah knew the time was right because he had done what God had asked of him.

It is plain for each one of us to see that Elijah was steadfast in his prayers. He didn’t just go to Carmel and offer up one prayer in the hope that it would be answered right away. Not only did he offer up the prayer once and wait on an answer but he offered up that prayer seven times. If necessary he would have continue one hundred times or more until he knew that it was time to leave the place of prayer with an answer.

Elijah was aware of his own failings and weariness and perhaps he did wonder when the answer was going to come. He pushed forward for God even though his old nature may have wanted him to give up. Could we be as steadfast as Elijah was? Do we spend enough time in the place of prayer?

I am sure that Elijah realized that God had His time to answer the prayer but even though there was a delay the answer was sure to come. We need to continue to pray for unsaved loved ones and we do not know when the answer will come or if we will not know until we are in Glory. No doubt when he started to pray there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and no possible notion of rain. He was trusting that God was going to send the rain and he also knew that whatever was in the will of God would happen.

We know that Elijah’s prayer was a triumphant prayer because for over three years there hadn’t been so much as any remote sign of rain when all of a sudden a cloud the size of a man’s hand appeared. Almost as quickly as the small cloud appeared a mighty deluge of water followed and the promise of God in 1 Kings 18:1 was fulfilled. It was a totally public answer to his prayer that no one could deny. Once again we see the power of God. The answer to the prayer was not just for Elijah’s benefit but for that of the whole land, even those who did not believe.

None of us know what a day will bring forth and this was equally true for Elijah. He had been warring with the prophets of Baal, was a man of victory who had been at Carmel and we have him now wishing he was dead and sitting under a juniper tree.

Elijah had never been a popular man and now he was under persecution. God had looked after his servant and answered his prayers by sending the rain but now he was to face the wrath of Jezebel. First he had the blessing and now he was going to face the battle. Jezebels reason for hating Elijah was that she hated his God. She wanted to kill him because he stood up against her false gods. We can see this happening throughout history because of the many brave men and women who have stood up for the God they believed in and against false preachers with wishy washy beliefs. No doubt by this time Elijah was becoming weary and could not have come through this under his own steam.

Even though God was constantly with Elijah we have to remember that he was only and ordinary human being like each one of us and it is understandable that he became fearful and Jezebel became a worry to him. We see what can happen if we take our eyes away from God, and all Elijah could see was Jezebel. All that was in his mind was trouble and death because he had let Jezebel be in the foreground whilst God had been put into the background. Elijah should have stopped here and got on his knees before the Throne of Grace and ask God what he should do. Instead of praying he was relying on his own ways and thought it would be better if he died. He even was murmuring against God and was not going to accept what was happening.

If anyone is being persecuted then the only place they should turn to is God knowing that there is hope in God. No matter where he would go he couldn’t hide from God and it was here that we see that God came to him. He was touched by an angel from God whilst under the juniper tree who told him to wake up. Elijah had hidden from Jezebel but he could not hide from God and at this time God came and ministered to him and he realized that this was what he needed. He had become tired and weary of being tired and weary and realized that he had gone wrong in not trusting fully on God. We may have to go through trials but God will always strengthen us for the trials ahead as the life of Elijah proves.

Elijah was downcast but God was going to lift him up and no matter how much we hear of the mighty things he had done he was only human and there would be times when he would let his Lord down. By the time he got to the safety of the cave he had become a shadow of his former self who could see no hope in the future. It was as if he had forgotten about what God could do for him. He had forgotten that the mighty God who had called all creation into being would be able to provide for him and protect him. He should have looked back to the time when God provided food and water via the ravens, the time when God filled the meal barrel in Zarephath and all the other times when God has His hand upon him. We are not unlike Elijah in that on many occasions we forget that God has provided for us and taken care of us and we forget about Him and bring our woes away from him and cause ourselves untold distress. Elijah had got to the stage where he couldn’t see God and his failing made him think that his life was about to end. Thankfully he did not remain in this state for long and it must remind us of the old saying that God has to take you down before He lifts you up, and also that we need to listen to what God is saying to us. After his period of being downcast he was able to go out and serve God again.

To close we need to give an overview in a few sentences about the life of Elijah. He was a unique character who had no fear of men and who loved God. He was constant in prayer, but was also only human and could face discouragement and trials. No matter what was happening the still lifted God high. Through it all he was ready to obey God and it could be said that he was very like John the Baptist. None of us can replace either of these mighty men but we can try to live as they lived.

Thursday 11 November 2010

verse for today

1 John 2: 15 -16

15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

Thursday 28 October 2010


Hi all I have not been blogging for awhile. But just to let you all know that I am working two day a week in the local primary school as a volunteer. Also am counting down the days until I go to stay with the Gill's in January.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Exam on Ruth

Hi all just wanted to let you know that I am still bloging even though I have not posted for awhile. Here is a copy of the exam I put in n Ruth. Let me know your thoughts on it. Also can you pray for me I am finding my MS very hard to cope with.


Bible Characters Correspondence Course

Q1. In less than 1000 words write on the background to the book of Ruth?

The book of Ruth follows on after the time of the judges. It was when the period of the judges ended, that the people began to sin more. The generations of people to come did not have a great knowledge of God. They became a wicked nation. There was no one to rule the people. So “ Every man did that which was right n his own eyes” Judges 21 v 25. God after this had to punish the people. So he sent a famine to the land of Israel.
It was during the famine that Elimelech moved his family to Moab. Instead of turning to the Lord, and waiting for the Lord to bless Bethlehem. Elimelech ran from God. He must take responsibility for moving his family from God’s blessing. Just as we all must take responsibility for our decisions.
It is through Elimelech moving his family to the heathen land of Moab that we meet Ruth the young Moabite girl. Nowhere do we read that Elimelech or his family spent time in prayer with the Lord to seek his will before moving to his heathen land. There was no sign of God being in the land of Moab. God does not want his people to take up the ways of the world. We must always seek God’s face in prayer for his will in our life. As if the move to Moab was not bad enough. His two sons Mahlon and Chilion took for themselves each a wife from the women of Moab. The names of these two women are Orpah and Ruth. It tells us in V4 they stayed in Moab for about 10 years. What the two sons did in marrying these girls was against the will of God. The Israelites were not to have anything to do with the Moabites Deuteronomy 23 V 3. When we start to sin against God there is no knowing where it will end.
It tells us in the Bible that the family lived in Bethlehem – Judah, which means the house of bread. This town had known the blessing of God. Even though there was a famine in the land there was still enough food for the people. Elimelech did not need to leave his land. By doing this he was turning his back on God. When we turn away from God it will lead to serious trouble. Elimelech and his family soon learned that the land of Moab was a place of sorrow. This move was against the will of God, which leads to death. We read about this in Ruth Ch 1 V 3,5. Naomi had to watch as her family was taken away before her eyes. Not just did she lose her husband, but she also saw the death of both her sons.
This book shows us the outworking of the Lord’s kindness to us. Elimelech’s aim was to try to protect his family and himself from death, but he could not cheat death neither can we. After Elimelech’s death there were sad consequences for his wife Naomi. She became a widow in a foreign land. Naomi became a bitter woman. “And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me.” Ruth 1 v 20. The book of Ruth tells us that Naomi had been dealt some very bitter experiences. Ignoring the Lord’s rule for our life is something to be taken seriously. It tells us in Jeremiah 2 v 19
Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord GOD of hosts.
Ruth 1 tells us that after the death of her husband and sons Naomi was left in poverty in a strange country. It was also a country without God. The move to Moab had left Naomi poorer than ever before. Naomi’s story tells us that sins has no benefit – Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
But it all changed when Naomi decided to leave Moab and go back to Bethlehem, because she had heard that God had visited his people. Bethlehem was now a land producing its crops again. God had been merciful to his people yet once again. This led Naomi to remember all the good times that she had when she was in the will of God. It must have been a very hard decision for Naomi to make to return after 10 years. Just like it must be a hard time for the backslider when they make the decision to come back to the Lord. Naomi had only heard small bit f news of what God was doing for his people. But she decided to leave her daughters in law and return to her home country. We can see from this that even a small speck of faith in God will be rewarded. Naomi had to leave sinful Moab and repent of her sin.
When Naomi left she told Orpah and Ruth to go their own way. But Ruth wanted to stay with Naomi so she went back to Bethlehem with her. Naomi was in a bitter backslidden state, she wanted the girls to return to the idols of Moab. Naomi’s eyes were on the bread that was now available in Israel, not the giver of the bread. Ruth went with Naomi to Bethlehem because she was a good, caring daughter- in – law, not because of Naomi’s “faith”.
It was the beginning of the barley harvest when the two women returned to Bethlehem. Ruth wanted Naomi’s God to be her God. Ruth separates herself from the people of sinful Moab. To join herself with God’s people. We to are to separate ourselves from sinful people and cling to God.

Q2 Write a summary (500 words) of the events surrounding the Ruth working in the harvest field?

It was after the two women came back from the land of Moab, they had no one to provide for them. Ruth had repented from her sin and was now following God. It was the start of the harvest when the two women returned. This was a time of great joy for the people. It is an even greater joy for God’s people when a lost soul comes to Christ. For the fields are white unto harvest. Ruth was a poor widow who had nothing. Under the law of God Ruth was entitled to work in the field unhindered. Ruth wanted to go out and work. She was a very willing young woman. Ruth was willing to work regardless of the cost. We must be willing to do God’s work no matter the cost to us. Ruth was willing to do even the smallest of jobs.
Ruth also wanted to look after her mother – in – law. She was also a blessing to her. We should help out and be a blessing to other Christians. The work that Ruth done in the harvest field meant that she was satisfied.
When in the harvest field Ruth was picking up the ears of corn that had been dropped by the men bringing in the harvest. Ruth was very dedicated to her work; she worked from the start of the wheat harvest to the end of the barley harvest. It must have been a very long hard day for Ruth working in the field. The work that Ruth did in the field was very rewarding for her and Naomi. We to will be rewarded when we are doing God’s work. Ruth went to the field that Naomi told her to go to. We know that Ruth was a foreigner in the land so she would not know about whose field was whose.
From the work that Ruth was doing in the field she came back weighed down with an abundance of barley. We are told in V17 she came back with an ephah, which is about 5 gallons. That would have been about half a month’s wages. Ruth must have been very tired but also very contented as she staggered home with her load to her mother in law. She left in the morning with nothing and returned home full. The Lord had been merciful on Ruth. The Lord delights to show lavish favour to those who take refuge in him (v12). This shows that Ruth and Naomi where in the shadow of his wings, where they started to experience the favour he promises to those who take refuge there. The Lord has all these events planned to give hope for the future.

Q3. Write on Ruth’s fellowship with Boaz?

Ruth first became aware of Boaz when she went to glean the ears of corn in his field. We know that Boaz was a mighty man of God. Through Boaz we can see a picture of Christ. Boaz was a man who had strength, ability and was a good leader of his workers.
Boaz was related to Naomi’s dead husband Elimelech. He was a very rich man. Even though there had been a famine in the land, Boaz was still able to stay a man of great wealth. But out Lord has even more resources to offer us than what Boaz had.
Ruth knew nothing about Boaz and his relationship to Elimelech. This was a plan of the Lord’s for the life of Ruth. Ruth chose to go to that particular field. She was doing what the Lord in his power and will had decided beforehand should happen. The Lord had meticulously planned for these two to meet. Nothing had been left to chance. The Lord caused Ruth to pick out the field that belonged to Boaz to seek favour in without her even knowing.
Boaz was a relative, a man of standing, able to meet the needs of the two women. He was a Godly man. Boaz was also obedient to the law of the Lord, which said not to go back and get an overlooked sheaf. Leave if for the fatherless or the widowed. Boaz welcomed Ruth; he did not treat her as a foreigner. He called her “ my daughter”.
Ruth was to abide with Boaz’s maidens in the field. She was to drink water from his vessels whenever she was thirsty. Boaz was looking after Ruth in his field. He helped her by getting the men to drop corn for her. We are told that Ruth worked in the field all day. She obeyed Boaz, just as the child of God should obey Christ.
Boaz was the “Mr. Right” for Ruth. Ruth told Naomi about Boaz and how he had let her eat and drink with them to she was full. She was also happy to talk about Boaz to Naomi. We should also be happy to talk to others about Christ. Ruth had respect for Boaz; we should have respect for Christ.
Ruth wanted to meet this man again and spend time with him. She only wanted to meet the Lord of the harvest again. We should be like this with Christ; He should be the only one for us. Ruth did not rush into things with Boaz all guns blazing, but she took time to prepare herself. She made sure that after a hard days work in the field, she went and cleansed herself. Before she went back down to the floor to Boaz. Just like Ruth we need to be clean before we enter Christ’s presence. Ruth left Naomi, to go to the threshing floor where Boaz was. This was where she could be alone with Boaz. Ruth was willing to take instructions from Boaz as to what he would have her to do. She had to be obedient; we to must be obedient to Christ.
When Ruth went to meet Boaz on the threshing floor the harvest was over. Ruth lay down at the feet of Boaz and uncovered his feet. She humbled herself to him (Ruth 3 v 7). Through this time of fellowship Ruth received lots of blessings. Ruth meets her redeemer in more than one way. There was Boaz but there was also Christ. She also received blessing from Boaz as well as blessings from Christ. Ruth 3 v 15 tells us that she came to Boaz empty and went away full.
The happiest time for the Christian is when they spend time in fellowship with Christ. Ruth asks Boaz to cover her to give her shelter and to provide for her needs. The two women must have had a lot to fear when they moved back from Moab. But with Boaz as her redeemer she now had nothing to fear.
Ruth became the wife of Boaz, because he paid the price for her. We could not enter into God’s presence; only Christ paid the price for us on the cross. But we must note that this was not done in secret (Ruth 4 v 9). When we come to Christ we must also declare it openly. Ruth now belongs to Boaz as he had redeemed her. Just as when we get saved we belong to Christ.
Ruth after getting married to Boaz gave birth to a son. Another great blessing to her from God. We can never count the blessings that God has given to us Ephesians 1. “ Count your blessing name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done”. Ruth 4 shows great joy and happiness. There is no sadness there when we are in Christ and truly redeemed.
The description that we have of Boaz reminds us of the Lord Jesus. Just as Boaz was “ Mr. Right” for Ruth and lavished countless kindness on her, so too when we take refuge in the Lord. Who is truly right for all He will shower us with lavish love and kindness. John 5:39Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. These scriptures testify about me. They are also the scriptures that are talked about in Ruth 2.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Correspondence Course

I started my correspondence course last week. I started to study the book of Ruth.

Read Ruth ch 1

Elimelech took his family to the land of Moab, while their was famine in the land of Bethlehem. The famine was sent by God as a result of the wickedness in the land. So Elimelech had to take responsibility for his actions. This lead to his death. His to sons Mahlon and Chilion married twe people to girls from the land of Moab Ruth and Orpah. Mahlon and Chilion also died in the land of Moab. they had a loss of joy in their life,see Ruth 1v 20. Naomi tells the people to call her Mara for the Lord had dealt bitterly with her. There is no telling what disobeying God will led to. Moab had left Naomi poorer than ever. This is very true of sin see Luke 15 . Naomi was in the land of Moab for 10 years before she heard of the blessing God had sent to his people in the land of Bethlehem. This was a message of mercy a word from God to change the direction of her life. She made a personal decision, a prompt decision and a proper decision. For her to have stayed in the land of Moab was only to have increased her grief. When she deiced to go back she made the right decison. Ruth 1 v5 tells us Naomi was a desolate and lonely woman, but Ruth 1 v 6 that she arose with her daughters in law to return from the land of Moab for she had heard the Lord had visited his people in giving them bread. Naomi had been brought to the end of herself when she decide it was time to return. God had been merciful to his people once more.Naomi heard of Gods mercy and thought on His mercy. God's mercy is never exhausted as far as his people are concerned. Naomi must have thought on all the good times she had before they left for the land of Moab. the decision to return for Naomi must have been a very hard one. ( this is the path that every backslider must take : see Hosea ch 14 in regard to the mercy of God and the responsibility of the backslider). Naomi had to humble herself to return, also to confess that she had been wrong. There had to be a cutting of ties. Returning to Bethlehem meant turning away from Moab. This is repentance Hosea 14 v 1-3. Naomi belived that was the most important part of her return. The message of what God was doing was short but Naomi had faith and it was strong. She stepped out believing what she had heard about God. Faith - even small faith is rewarded by God. Naomi returned at the beginning of the barley harvest. It meant that she could enjoy all that God had given to his people. This was a new beginning for Naomi as the land was bursting with life. Bethlehem was once more the house of bread. Naomi's return not only affected her life but also the life of Orpah and Ruth. Orpah must stand as a false professor but Ruth displays all the marks of a truly converted individual.

Monday 31 August 2009

Bible course

Just to let all my friends know that I have signed up to do the 3 year bible course on bible characters. The 1st year is on the life of David. It starts in September. Your thoughts on this are most welcome. Also any web sites where I can get info on David.

Monday 27 July 2009

Prayer Requests

Hi to all my dear blog friends. Please could I ask you to pray again for me at this time. My MS is relapsing and I am back on steroids. They don't seem to be working thought. Also it is now affecting my vision. Spent about 4 hours in A&E on friday evening but they said they could not do anything for me because there was no neurologist on over the weekend. For me to contact my own GP this week.